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Be a Unicorn in a Field Full of Horses


We all need a little help sometimes. Kaylynn and her vehicle license renewal/registration errand service could be just what the doctor ordered.

Tell us a little about yourself and what you do.

My name is Kaylynn Lewin-Erasmus. I’m a 34-year-old, female new business owner with a passion for meeting new people and assisting them with errands that they do not have the time to get to.

I’m the founding member of a company called Unicorn Projects which is an errand service. I handle all things traffic department related on behalf of clients from vehicle license renewal to vehicle registration. I also offer a package collection service in the Southern Suburbs.

How old is your business now?

My business is still an infant; I started in June 2020.

How did you come up with the idea of and name for your business?

Covid happened. I used to work in the live events industry and due to lockdown I, unfortunately, got retrenched (but even before I got retrenched I knew that I needed to survive financially) thus Unicorn Projects was born. I started out doing personal shopping for clients until one day a client asked me to queue for her vehicle licence disc for her, I did and that service spread like wildfire - so much so that unfortunately I had to drop personal shopping from my service offering because I just would not be able to give those clients the level of service that my business was built on.

The name is quite special... My slogan is a “uniquely personalized errand experience” and it is very seldom nowadays where you find people that go the extra mile for their clients, it’s really very rare. I worked at a very client-oriented company. We were encouraged to always create epic experiences for clients and it just stuck!

Unicorns are said to be rare (mythical) creatures, which is a reflection of the service I strive to provide...Rare! (Also, they’re just so cute)!

What is that “one thing” that 2020 has taught you and that you will be using in the future? How will you be doing business differently?

It has definitely taught me that anything is possible if you just believe. The only person standing in your way is yourself and if you want something badly go out and get it! I think the most important thing that it has taught me is how strong and resilient I really am. For now, most things will stay the same until such a time when I can expand and get a permanent team in place. I am however working on corporate identity, branding and marketing. I would like to put more structure in place and add some new things to the service offering but for now, baby steps.

What makes your business unique?

I’m a people-person so when I say it is a personalized experience I really mean it - from the first message until the point where delivery takes place, it is all me. I just love the little

moments where I get to have a chat with the client when I deliver their paperwork.

Also, I never give up. If something is incorrect with the paperwork, I work alongside the client until we get it right.

Are you a solo-entrepreneur or how many members does your team currently comprise?

For the most part, I am alone. I have some friends that assist me on super busy days. Covid has resulted in a loss of income for them so I just try to get them to assist me as much as possible for them to have a bit of extra income. We really help each other out and I’m all for assisting where I can.

How do you market your business, and which methods have been most successful for you?

A large portion of it is Facebook marketing which has honestly brought in more work than I could have ever expected and for that, I am so thankful. A lot of it is also word of mouth and referrals - when you offer a great service people will not hesitate to refer you.

What does a typical day look like for you? And how many hours, on average, do you work daily?

I wake up at 3 am, out the door at 4 am. I’m at the traffic department until about 4 pm. I then do my deliveries until 7 pm on an average day. I come home, sit with the admin and then take some time out to relax with my husband.

How has being an entrepreneur affected your life?

I feel empowered. I love the fact that I can determine my own hours and I've come to realise that what you put in is what you get out. I felt like I was done working for a boss a long time ago so now I work hard daily to make my dream a reality.

If you could go back in time and start up your business all over again, what would you do differently?

Nothing really, everything has been an opportunity to learn so I wouldn’t change a thing.

What is one piece of advice you’d like to give to someone just starting?

Never be afraid to ask for advice. Don’t be too hard on yourself, you are human, you will end up making mistakes. Provide the level of service that you wish to receive. If you want it, go get it!

Where can we find your business on social media?

Facebook page link: @unicornprojectsbykay

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